Shop for clothes online

Posted in Uncategorized on July 24, 2009 by matt5409

There’s a great many reasons to shop for clothes online over the high street. Take a look why you should keep out of the shopping centre this year!

When the Internet was young, people didn’t shop online. There were many reasons for this; not least because the general public didn’t have a clue how to use the Internet (or indeed a computer), but also horror stories of card fraud and identity theft populated the headlines.

Then with the advent of sites such as Amazon, consumer confidence increased as did their knowledge of how to navigate websites. But it wasn’t until the late 90’s that clothing and fashion websites started to appear.

Having being dismissed as an online business model, clothes shops began proving that people ARE willing to buy their t-shirts, jeans and whatever else through websites and not just in-store. This paved the way for a great many websites offering their products online, and with it, a shedload of consumer advantages…

Shopping for clothes online is brilliant because:

1) You can browse all the brands under the sun in the space of 30 minutes – which would certainly take you all day on the high street!

2) Comparison shopping has been made much easier, with the introduction of specially designed websites that compile reguarly updated lists of new products and where to find them at their cheapest prices.

3) Giving away your e-mail address to a mailing list gives you regular access to offers and news. This is better than receiving it through the post as it’s more up to date and is more environmentally friendly.

4) Short of actually trying the clothes on, more and more websites are allowing users high quality pictures and even 3D renditions of the items.

5) It’s extremely convenient and there is no hard-sell. You can bookmark special items, share them on social networks and add them to wish lists.

Shopping online gives added value for a whole host of other reasons, including larger sale sections and much more choice – so get off the high street and in front of your computer!

Fashion choices – what goes with what?

Posted in Uncategorized on July 17, 2009 by matt5409

Ever looked in the mirror when trying on clothes and asked yourself if your new shirt really goes with your jeans? Read our guide to populating your wardrobe with some core items that can be interchanged!

For many people, expensive, trendy clothing is not something they consider when clothes shopping. This is probably for a variety of reasons – they’re uninterested in designer labels, they don’t know where to buy them or they simply cannot afford them.

This is where way too many people miss a trick, because clothes produced by high-end designers are more accessible now than ever before. You cannot walk down a high street without noticing a store that stocks labels such as Superdry, Lacoste or Henleys, all at reasonably low prices, and if there is a sale on; you’re laughing!

You might be asking yourself what is the significance of these labels – you can get just as good stuff for cheaper prices from other outlets right? You can, but the emphasis with designer-wear is the quality and unique-ness within the design of both the fabric and the print. Generally, you do indeed get what you pay for with clothes. When I was a student I bought a pair of jeans from a very popular high-street retailer and they only lasted a couple of months before the stitching came loose and they began to fall apart – I suppose I can’t grumble as they only cost me £6!

One of the main positive advantages to choosing designer brands is their compatibility, which is the main point of this article. Take for example the brand Henleys – they’re huge array of colourful designer clothes, for the main part, hook up with one another. You’d be hard pressed to find a pair of jeans that doesn’t go with one of their t-shirts, for example. This compatibility means that not only are you buying higher quality products, but it’s easier to pick out items that match, building a “core” bunch of clothes that all go together.

A little piece on designer fashion and its place in pop culture

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on October 11, 2008 by matt5409

With all the celebrity stories we read in the paper and all the things we see on the TV, isn’t it funny that something as accessible as fashion would play such an important role in the way we perceive and consume this information. Read on for a quick glimpse on how fashion, music, art and the celebrity culture are all relative to one another…

Like many others things such as music, movies and sport; fashion has its firm place in popular culture. Fashion runs parallel with society on just about every level, sometimes mirroring it and sometimes paving the way. We consume what we see and we embrace what we like the look of.

Probably the closest thing to fashion is the arts, in particular, music. Musicians and artists are often regarded as trendsetters and the more accessible their attire, the more people can latch onto these trends and feel part of something big. Many artists over the years have capitalised on this by releasing their own clothing lines, offering not just their music but a whole wardrobe of clothing items and accessories to accompany it.

An intriguing aspect of designer fashion specifically, is that everything is relative and, where music and art somewhat govern the fashion style of its creatives, they wear what they choose to accompany their art because their clothing is a direct influence of their art. Whether the music is indie, goth or hip hop, a specific fashionable style will exist to accompany it. This means that the artists are more accessible as these clothing items can be bought for reasonable prices in shops or online.

The trick to borrowing a style from a celebrity is not to copy, but to experiment and accessorise. You don’t want to be branded a copycat wannabe.

Take a look at this popular mens designer clothing website stocking leading labels such as gio goi, drunknmunky and duck and cover.

Run for Cover!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on August 3, 2008 by matt5409
Every once in a while something will come along that’s quite special. Not just in the fashion world but at street level. We have just taken delivery of a brand new range of clothes that are sure to make you stand up and take notice. Designer menswear is rarely this comfortable and stylish.

The label of which I speak is duck and cover. This clothing brand has ben around for some time, and it’s name might bring about many images. It *sounds* stylish, and it is. Be sure to check out the full clothing range, especially the jeans as we think these are extra special!

Everybody’s Lovin’ Crocs!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on May 23, 2008 by matt5409

With the summer season pretty much upon us, many people find themselves looking for bright, loose-fitting new summer clothing items to compliment the hot weather. Summery t-shirts, cargo shorts, flip flops and maybe the odd inflatable crocodile! This brings me onto the summers coolest piece of footwear design – Crocs.

Crocs provide high quality, stylish footwear which is perfectly in tune with the summer season due to it versatile and light-weight design. Crocs are also available in a variety of colours and styles, making them a great choice for men, women and children.

My particular favourite Crocs shoe design is the Crocs Athens. These flip-flops are available in a multitude of colours and are a funky modern twist on the traditional flip-flop design, with a soft cushioned foot bed and a summery design, I find these to be a great addition to any summer collection. I must also point out that they are some of the most comfortable pair of flip flops I have ever worn, due to their excellent patented material and cushioned foot-bed.

Another top style, and named after the magnificent animal, is the Crocs Cayman shoe. These evolved from another Crocs style, making them lighter yet still keeping the incredibly original and unique Crocs format in tact.

Why Urban Clothes?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on May 23, 2008 by matt5409

Quite often people ask “why should i shell out loads of cash for something I can get much cheaper? you only pay for the label!”.

In essence, this is true. But when you pay for a designer label, you get a lot more than a fancy name. There are reasons why these designer labels have become larger than their rivals, and this is generally down to:

  • Quality of garment
  • Quality of design
  • Frequency of new products

Designer clothes will always come out in seasons, with each season constantly trying to push on the last season by offering new, impressive additions while also building on their older stuff. This means that the collections become parts of a whole, each linking to the brand in their own individual way.

So the obvious benefit to designer clothing is that you get REAL pieces of artwork designed on strong hard-wearing material. It makes you look good, too 😉

Spring/Summer Fashion in the Urban Jungle

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on May 21, 2008 by matt5409

Take a look at this exclusive Drunknmunky, King Apparel and Mish Mash video shoot courtesy of Space Clothing 😀

Peace, Love & Doves…

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on May 20, 2008 by matt5409

I bet most who stumble across this little corner of the Internet and read this post were not around in the 60’s. The time of free love and an explosion of self-expression after years of being seen but not heard.

Unfortunately, I too was not around to see this decade, but I’ve seen the movies and read the gig reviews and it seems nothing short of quality.

Gio Goi Peace Love and DovesJust recently, we have been seeing fashion trends from this era pop back into the mainstream. I personally think that most of it should have stayed in the 60’s as they seem somewhat naff these days, but I do love to see designers inject some of the spirit of the 60’s into their work, rather than copy those old styles completely.

One of my favourite labels to be showing an influence of this recently is Gio Goi. Some of their designs represent a distinct retro feel, be it the minimalist approach of their embossed, early computer approach with their Connected t-shirt, or their Doves t-shirt, which oozes 60’s revival.

Something that always intrigues me is that, no matter the state of society, fashion always reflects it. And where songwriters sing about memories, movies tell tales of old, fashion will always be there paying homage to times gone by in it’s own unique way.

What’s in the “urban” branding?

Posted in Uncategorized on May 19, 2008 by matt5409

Ever wondered what it is about a supposed “urban” brand that makes it what it is – urban?

It’s probably fair to say that urban clothing is considered designer-wear, designed by artists more than entrepreneurs with money in mind. Designers are more often than not influenced by street art, urban music and the like, and this penetrates through in their urban clothing designs. I would guess that not all art work is originally intended to go on designer t-shirts when it’s being produced, but if it has that original spark of imagination and is designed well enough to be transposed onto a piece of material, then surey there’s nothing stopping it!

What makes urban clothing unique is that the designs are usually extrovert, often groundbreaking but always wearable. This makes them hugely marketable pieces with a tonne of street credibility that appeal to a very specific market, and this is not necessarily mainstream.

But when does a label move away from specficially urban, to more general? Well, in my opinion, when the garment design rotates more around the brand than it does the artistic nature of the design. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but brands like Drunknmunky are a good example of this. Many of their designs are brand-based pieces, giving them an recognisable, yet disinctly non-urban feel. Instead, Drunknmunky pride themselves on being original and breaking. Thankfully they have an great identity to profess this with, as their logo is f**king awesome – but it’s not urban.

So a message to all the smaller, independently run urban labels out there – keep doing what you’re doing. Keep up with those original, vibrant designs because we love them!